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IonZone Web Design Reference Page

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intro paragraph here

  RGB Color Selector
    Click a color to unlock the color Selector. Use the checkboxes to select background or foreground. Click on a color to set that color as the background or foreground. Custom values (i.e. red or #ff0000) can be entered for either the background or foreground.
Background RGB Value Foreground RGB Value
  ASCII Character Reference Chart

&#1-32  control characters (unused)
!! exclamation point
""quotquotation mark
## number or pound sign
$$ dollar sign
%% percent sign
'' apostrophe
(( left parenthesis
)) right parenthesis
** asterisk
++ plus
,, comma
-- dash
.. period
// backslash
&#48-570-9 numbers 0 through 9
:: colon
&#59;; semicolon
&#60;<ltless-than sign
&#61;= equals
&#62;>gtgreater-than sign
&#63;? question mark
&#64;@ at sign
&#65-90A-Z uppercase latin letters A through Z
&#91;[ left bracket
&#92;\ forward slash
&#93;] right bracket
&#94;^ carat
&#95;_ underscore
&#96;` grave accent
&#97-122a-z lowercase latin letters a through z
&#123;{ left curly bracket
&#124;| Pipe
&#125;} right curly bracket
&#126;~ tilde
&#127; delete
&#128;European currency symbol
&#129; unused
&#130; non-standard, use &#sbquo;
&#131;ƒ non-standard, use &#fnof;
&#132; non-standard, use &#bdquo;
&#133; non-standard, use &#hellip;
&#134; non-standard, use &#dagger;
&#135; non-standard, use &#Dagger
&#136;ˆ non-standard, use caret
&#137; non-standard, use percent sign
&#138;Š non-standard, use &#Scaron;
&#139; non-standard, use &#lt;
&#140;Œ non-standard, use &#OElig;
&#141; unused
&#142;Ž non-standard
&#143; unused
&#144; unused
&#145; non-standard, use &#lsquo;
&#146; non-standard, use &#rsquo;
&#147; non-standard, use &#ldquo;
&#148; non-standard, use &#rdquo;
&#149; non-standard, use &#bull;
&#150; non-standard, use &#ndash;
&#151; non-standard, use &#mdash;
&#152;˜ non-standard, use &#tilde;
&#153; non-standard, use &#trade;
&#154;š non-standard, use &#scaron;
&#155; non-standard, use &#gt;
&#156;œ non-standard, use &#oelig;
&#157; unused
&#158;ž unused
&#159;Ÿ non-standard, use &#Yuml;
&#160; nbspnon breaking space
&#161;¡iexclinverted exclamation mark
&#162;¢centcent sign
&#163;£poundpound sign
&#164;¤currencurrency sign
&#165;¥yenyen sign
&#166;¦brvbarbroken bar
&#167;§sectsection sign
&#169;©copycopyright sign
&#170;ªordffeminine ordinal indicator
&#171;«laquoleft double angle quotation mark
&#172;¬notnot sign
&#173;­shysoft hyphen
&#174;®regregistered sign
&#176;°degdegree sign
&#177;±plusmnplus-minus sign
&#178;²sup2superscript two
&#179;³sup3superscript three
&#180;´acuteacute accent
&#181;µmicromicro sign
&#182;parapilcrow sign
&#183;·middotmiddle dot
&#185;¹sup1superscript one
&#186;ºordmmasculine ordinal indicator
&#187;»raquoright double angle quotation mark
&#188;¼frac14vulgar fraction one quarter
&#189;½frac12vulgar fraction one half
&#190;¾frac34vulgar fraction three quarters
&#191;¿iquestinverted question mark
&#192;ÀAgravelatin uppercase A with grave
&#193;ÁAacutelatin uppercase A with acute
&#194;ÂAcirclatin uppercase A with circumflex
&#195;ÃAtildelatin uppercase A with tilde
&#196;ÄAumllatin uppercase A with diaeresis
&#197;ÅAringlatin uppercase A with ring above
&#198;ÆAEliglatin uppercase AE
&#199;ÇCcedillatin uppercase C with cedilla
&#200;ÈEgravelatin uppercase E with grave
&#201;ÉEacutelatin uppercase E with acute
&#202;ÊEcirclatin uppercase E with circumflex
&#203;ËEumllatin uppercase E with diaeresis
&#204;ÌIgravelatin uppercase I with grave
&#205;ÍIacutelatin uppercase I with acute
&#206;ÎIcirclatin uppercase I with circumflex
&#207;ÏIumllatin uppercase I with diaeresis
&#208;ÐETHlatin uppercase ETH
&#209;ÑNtildelatin uppercase N with tilde
&#210;ÒOgravelatin uppercase O with grave
&#211;ÓOacutelatin uppercase O with acute
&#212;ÔOcirclatin uppercase O with circumflex
&#213;ÕOtildelatin uppercase O with tilde
&#214;ÖOumllatin uppercase O with diaeresis
&#215;×timesmultiplication sign
&#216;ØOslashlatin uppercase O with stroke
&#217;ÙUgravelatin uppercase U with grave
&#218;ÚUacutelatin uppercase U with acute
&#219;ÛUcirclatin uppercase U with circumflex
&#220;ÜUumllatin uppercase U with diaeresis
&#221;ÝYacutelatin uppercase Y with acute
&#222;Þthornlatin uppercase THORN
&#223;ßszliglatin lowercase sharp s
&#224;àagravelatin lowercase a with grave
&#225;áaacutelatin lowercase a with acute
&#226;âacirclatin lowercase a with circumflex
&#227;ãatildelatin lowercase a with tilde
&#228;äaumllatin lowercase a with diaeresis
&#229;åaringlatin lowercase a with ring above
&#230;æaeliglatin lowercase ae
&#231;çccedillatin lowercase c with cedilla
&#232;èegravelatin lowercase e with grave
&#233;éeacutelatin lowercase e with acute
&#234;êecirclatin lowercase e with circumflex
&#235;ëeumllatin lowercase e with diaeresis
&#236;ìigravelatin lowercase i with grave
&#237;íiacutelatin lowercase i with acute
&#238;îicirclatin lowercase i with circumflex
&#239;ïiumllatin lowercase i with diaeresis
&#240;ðethlatin lowercase eth
&#241;ñntildelatin lowercase n with tilde
&#242;òogravelatin lowercase o with grave
&#243;óoacutelatin lowercase o with acute
&#244;ôocirclatin lowercase o with circumflex
&#245;õotildelatin lowercase o with tilde
&#246;öoumllatin lowercase o with diaeresis
&#247;÷dividedivision sign
&#248;øoslashlatin lowercase o with stroke,
&#249;ùugravelatin lowercase u with grave
&#250;úuacutelatin lowercase u with acute
&#251;ûucirclatin lowercase u with circumflex
&#252;üuumllatin lowercase u with diaeresis
&#253;ýyacutelatin lowercase y with acute
&#254;þthornlatin lowercase thorn
&#255;ÿyumllatin lowercase y with diaeresis
&#338;ŒOEliglatin capital ligature OE
&#339;œoeliglatin small ligature oe
&#352;ŠScaronlatin uppercase S with caron
&#353;šscaronlatin lowercase s with caron
&#376;ŸYumllatin uppercase Y with diaeresis
&#710;ˆcircmodifier letter circumflex accent
&#732;˜tildesmall tilde
&#402;ƒfnoflatin small f with hook
&#915;ΓGammagreek uppercase gamma
&#916;ΔDeltagreek uppercase delta
&#920;ΘThetagreek uppercase theta
&#923;ΛLambdagreek uppercase lambda
&#926;ΞXigreek uppercase xi
&#928;ΠPigreek uppercase pi
&#931;ΣSigmagreek uppercase sigma
&#933;ΥUpsilongreek uppercase upsilon
&#934;ΦPhigreek uppercase phi
&#936;ΨPsigreek uppercase psi
&#937;ΩOmegagreek uppercase omega
&#945;αalphagreek lowercase alpha
&#946;βbetagreek lowercase beta
&#947;γgammagreek lowercase gamma
&#948;δdeltagreek lowercase delta
&#949;εepsilongreek lowercase epsilon
&#950;ζzetagreek lowercase zeta
&#951;ηetagreek lowercase eta
&#952;θthetagreek lowercase theta
&#953;ιiotagreek lowercase iota
&#954;κkappagreek lowercase kappa
&#955;λlambdagreek lowercase lambda
&#956;μmugreek lowercase mu
&#957;νnugreek lowercase nu
&#958;ξxigreek lowercase xi
&#959;οomicrongreek lowercase omicron
&#960;πpigreek lowercase pi
&#961;ρrhogreek lowercase rho
&#962;ςsigmafgreek lowercase final sigma
&#963;σsigmagreek lowercase sigma
&#964;τtaugreek lowercase tau
&#965;υupsilongreek lowercase upsilon
&#966;φphigreek lowercase phi
&#967;χchigreek lowercase chi
&#968;ψpsigreek lowercase psi
&#969;ωomegagreek lowercase omega
&#977;ϑthetasymgreek lowercase theta symbol
&#978;ϒupsihgreek upsilon with hook symbol
&#982;ϖpivgreek pi symbol
&#8194;enspen space
&#8195;emspem space
&#8201;thinspthin space
&#8204;zwnjzero width non-joiner
&#8205;zwjzero width joiner
&#8206;lrmleft-to-right mark
&#8207;rlmright-to-left mark
&#8211;ndashen dash
&#8212;mdashem dash
&#8216;lsquoleft single quotation mark
&#8217;rsquoright single quotation mark
&#8218;sbquosingle low-9 quotation mark
&#8220;ldquoleft double quotation mark
&#8221;rdquoright double quotation mark
&#8222;bdquodouble low-9 quotation mark
&#8225;Daggerdouble dagger
&#8230;helliphorizontal ellipsis
&#8240;permilper mille sign
&#8243;Primedouble prime
&#8249;lsaquosingle left angle quotation
&#8250;rsaquosingle right angle quotation
&#8260;fraslfraction slash
&#8364;euroeuro sign
&#8472;weierpscript capital P
&#8465;imageblackletter capital I
&#8476;realblackletter capital R
&#8482;tradetrade mark sign
&#8501;alefsymalef symbol
&#8592;larrleftwards arrow
&#8594;rarrrightwards arrow
&#8595;darrdownwards arrow
&#8596;harrleft right arrow
&#8629;crarrdown arrow with corner left
&#8656;lArrleftwards double arrow
&#8657;uArrupwards double arrow
&#8658;rArrrightwards double arrow
&#8659;dArrdownwards double arrow
&#8660;hArrleft right double arrow
&#8704;forallfor all
&#8706;partpartial differential
&#8707;existthere exists
&#8709;emptyempty set
&#8712;isinelement of
&#8713;notinnot an element of
&#8715;nicontains as member
&#8719;prodn-ary product
&#8721;sumn-ary sumation
&#8722;minusminus sign
&#8727;lowastasterisk operator
&#8730;radicsquare root
&#8733;propproportional to
&#8743;andlogical and
&#8744;orlogical or
&#8764;simtilde operator
&#8773;congapproximately equal to
&#8776;asympalmost equal to
&#8800;nenot equal to
&#8801;equividentical to
&#8804;leless-than or equal to
&#8805;gegreater-than or equal to
&#8834;subsubset of
&#8835;supsuperset of
&#8836;nsubnot a subset of
&#8838;subesubset of or equal to
&#8839;supesuperset of or equal to
&#8853;opluscircled plus
&#8855;otimescircled times
&#8869;perpup tack
&#8901;sdotdot operator
&#8968;lceilleft ceiling
&#8969;rceilright ceiling
&#8970;lfloorleft floor
&#8971;rfloorright floor
&#9001;langleft-pointing angle bracket
&#9002;rangright-pointing angle bracket
&#9824;spadesblack spade suit
&#9827;clubsblack club suit
&#9829;heartsblack heart suit
&#9830;diamsblack diamond suit
  HTML Tag Reference Chart

    This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all tags and attributes only the most common. For a full list check out Sizzling Jalfrezi

 Document Tags

    <html>head & body tags here</html>

    <head>head tags here</head>

    <body bgcolor=? text=? link=? vlink=? alink=? background=? bgproperties="fixed" leftmargin=? rightmargin=? topmargin=? bottommargin=? marginheight=? marginwidth=?>page content here</body>

 Head Tags
    <title>title here</title>

    <meta name=? content=?>
    show me more meta tag info

    <style type="text/css"> ebedded style sheet</style>
    show me more stylesheet info

    <base href="URL" target=?>

 Text Tags
    <b>bold text</b>

    <cite>alternate italics text</cite>

    <em>alternate italics text</em>

    <font face=? size=1-7 color=?></font>

    <h1-6 align="left/center/right">1 is the biggest</h1-6>

    <i>italics text</i>

    <pre>preformatted fixed width font text</pre>

    <s>line through text</s>

    <strong>alternate bold text</strong>

    <sub>subscripted text</sub>

    <sup>superscripted text</sup>

    <tt>fixed width font text</tt>

    <u>underlined text</u>

 Link Tags
    <a href="URL" target=? title=?></a>

    <a href=""></a> Demo

    <a name="name"></a>

    <a href="#name"></a>

 Formatting Tags
    <blockquote>indents enclosed content</blockquote>

    <br> line break

    <center>centers enclosed content</center>

    <!-- comment tag -->

    <div align=?>


    <p align="left/center/right">paragraph tag</p>

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> usually goes in the head tag<script>







 Image and HR Tags
    <img src="name" align="left/right/center" border=# height=# width=# hspace=# vspace=# alt=?>

    <hr size=# width=# align=? color=? noshade>

    Image Map tags - coming soon

 Table Tags
    <table border=# cellspacing=# cellpadding=# width=# align=? bgcolor=?>all tr, th & td tags here</table>

    <tr align=? valign=? bgcolor=?></tr>

    <td align=? valign=? width=# height=# colspan=# rowspan=# bgcolor=? nowrap></td>

    <th align=? valign=? bgcolor=?></th>

 Frame Tags
    <frameset rows="#,#" cols="#,#" frameborder=# framespacing=#>all frame tags here</frameset>

    <frame src="URL" name=? marginwidth=# marginheight=# scrolling=? noresize>


    <iframe src="URL" height=# width=# hspace=# vspace=# align=? border=# scrolling=?></iframe>

 Form Tags
    <form name=? action=? method="get/post">
    all input, select & textarea tags here

    <input type="checkbox" name=? value=? checked>

    <input type="radio" name=? value=? checked>

    <input type="text" name=? value=? size=# maxlength=#>

    <input type="password" name=? size=# maxlength=#>

    <input type="hidden" name=? value=#>

    <input type="button" name=? value=?>

    <input type="file" name=? size=# maxlength=# accept="mime type">

    <input type="submit" value=?>

    <input type="image" border=# name=? src="name.gif">

    <input type="reset">

    <input type=? disabled>'disabled' is for any input type

    <select name=? size=# multiple>
    option tags here

    <option value=? selected>

    <textarea name=? cols=# rows=# wrap="hard/soft" maxlength=#>default text area value here</textarea>

  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    Linked Style Sheet goes in the head tag
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="file.css" type="text/css">

    .txt file named mystyle.css
    p {font-family:Arial,Tahoma; font-size:9pt}
    h1 {color:#ff0000; text-decoration:underline}

    Embedded Style Sheets go in the head tag
    <style type="text/css">
    h1 {color: #006000; font-family: Arial}
    .a1 {text-decoration: none}

    View the source of this page for a sample embedded style sheet.

    Inline Style Sheets go inside other html tags
    <font class=".a1">text</font>
    <font style="font-size:10pt">text</font>

  Meta Tag Reference

    View the source of this page for the most common tags or go to the definitive Meta tag list.

  Robots.txt File

    This file will always be located in the root directory
    # robots.txt for

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /private/admin.html

    User-agent: Slurp
    Disallow: /

    Find out more about the Robots.txt file.


  JavaScript Demos

All original material on this site is Copyright © 2002 by IonZone Internet Services. No material from this site may be mirrored, redistributed, archived or transmitted without the copyright holder's express written consent.